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Artificial Intelligence Science Projects (17 results)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that enables computers and robots to perform tasks requiring intelligence. The tasks can be as simple as programming a computer to play an easy game like tic-tac-toe or as challenging as having a computer diagnose and treat a sick patient. Sometimes artificial intelligence is used to get machines to do things that humans already do well, like using spoken language to communicate. Other times AI is used to do tasks that are hard for humans, like predicting how new proteins might fold up into 3D structures and how those structures interact with other nearby proteins.

artificial intelligence fields

Machine learning is a subfield of AI where a machine "learns" how to do something without the programming telling it exactly how to deal with every step. In machine learning, a computer is given data from which it builds a model, and that model can repeatedly be trained, tested, and have more data added until it performs well. Companies are using machine learning to build robots that walk, self-driving cars, computers that can compose music, and many other types of technology.

You can try your hand at AI and machine learning with these exciting projects and experiments.

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Science Fair Project Idea
Artificial intelligence (AI) programs can now generate photorealistic pictures of people who do not exist in the real world. How can you tell if a picture is of a real person or a fake, AI-generated person? What features of the picture do people use to decide whether the face is real or AI-generated? In this project, you will explore these questions as you ask volunteers to look at both real and AI-generated pictures of human faces. Read more
Science Fair Project Idea
Have you heard that garlic powder is supposed to inhibit the growth of bacteria? Which do you think would make a better disinfectant: a solution of garlic powder or a solution of bleach? This project shows you a straightforward way to compare the effectiveness of different disinfectants (or other antimicrobial agents), by measuring zones of inhibition on a culture plate. Read more
Science Fair Project Idea
Do you think artificial intelligence (AI) is too complex to use? Think again! In this project, you will use AI to teach a web-based tool to classify happy and sad faces, or other objects, poses, or sounds. This experiment requires no coding skills; instead, you will need curiosity, creativity, and a critical eye. Why not give it a try yourself? Read more
Science Fair Project Idea
AI (artificial intelligence)-generated text is a hot topic for many reasons. Computers can now generate convincing paragraphs or even pages of text that look like they were written by a human. How do you know if a news article you are reading was written by a human or an AI? How does a teacher know if a student's essay was written by an AI? How do you know this text was not written by an AI? In this science project, you will conduct an experiment to see if volunteers can correctly identify… Read more
Science Fair Project Idea
If someone asks you to draw a picture of a doctor, lawyer, or engineer, what first pops into your mind? The race and gender of the person you imagine might be shaped by your personal life experiences, such as whether you have family members in those professions, or what representations of them you have seen on TV or online. What do you think will happen if you ask an artificial intelligence (AI) program to generate the picture instead? Will pictures generated by AI reflect the true real-world… Read more
Science Fair Project Idea
Do you think you can win tic-tac-toe against an AI player? In this project, you will explore how the Minimax algorithm makes decisions in two-player games such as tic-tac-toe. This project requires little to no coding skill; instead, you will need an open mind and curiosity. Why not give it a try yourself? Read more
Science Fair Project Idea
Many individuals who are blind or visually impaired use canes to navigate their surroundings, using their sense of touch to detect obstacles. What if you could create an electronic cane that emits an audible warning before coming into contact with an object? This project allows you to do just that by incorporating an ultrasonic distance sensor and a buzzer to alert the user of approaching obstacles. You can customize the cane by adding additional features or altering the design, such as using a… Read more
Science Fair Project Idea
When you play Connect 4, what strategies do you use to increase your chances of winning? In this project, you will explore how artificial intelligence can make decisions in two-player games such as Connect 4. This project requires little to no coding skill. Instead, you will need patience and an open mind. Why not give it a try yourself? Read more
Science Fair Project Idea
Using artificial intelligence (AI) is easier and more accessible than ever! In this project, you will teach an AI to solve any maze. This project requires little to no coding skills; instead you will need curiosity, creativity, and a critical eye. Why not give it a try yourself? Read more
Science Fair Project Idea
Getting started with machine learning is like unlocking a new world of possibilities, and the best part is that you don't need to be a computer genius to do it! In this project, you will create a K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) machine learning model that can predict whether a patient has a benign tumor or malignant breast cancer based on the characteristics of the tumor cell nucleus, such as its radius, perimeter, area, and smoothness. Read more
Science Fair Project Idea
How do you design a program that can pilot a self-driving race car? By using machine learning. In this project, you will train your own machine learning model for an autonomous vehicle, the AWS (Amazon Web Services) DeepRacer. You can run your car's machine learning model on a simulated racetrack (Figure 1), or you can purchase a 1/18 scale model vehicle that can race on a physical track (Figure 2). Figure 1. Screenshot of the virtual racing environment. … Read more
Science Fair Project Idea
Driverless cars use machine learning, a type of artificial intelligence, to identify road signs and other things they encounter on the road, like pedestrians and other vehicles. In this project you will take your own pictures of different types of road signs and use machine learning to identify the signs using a free online tool (no programming is required). You will then attempt to improve your machine learning model so it can identify signs in a variety of environments. Read more
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